Бизнес-портал для руководителей, менеджеров, маркетологов, экономистов и финансистов

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Kuandyk Ainabek


UDC 338.242.01 (574)     
LBC 65.01(5Kaz)      

A31   Ainabek, K.S.
The Philosophy of Life and Business:Monograph.–Karaganda:Pub. KarSU, 2010. – 105p.

ISBN   9965-39-212-9

The monograph attempts at revealing the essence of human life, basic spiritual laws of the community and business, evolutionary ways of harmonizing the development and socialization of economy.
The special feature of the work is the fact that it displays the interconnection of spiritual and business activity in reaching humanization of the mankind and economy.
The monograph is meant for professors and lecturers, researchers, candidates for a doctor’s and a master’s degree, higher school students.  
                                                                                                                   UDC 338.242.01 (574)     
                                                                                                                   LBC 65.01(5Kaz)        


Shedenov Utegali Kadyrgalievich - Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economic Theory Department of Kazakh State University named after Al-Farabi, Kazakhstan; 
Nickolenko Sergey Stepanovich – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chairman of Economic Theory Department of Poltava State University for Consumer Cooperation, Ukraine.    



CHAPTER 1. The man as a derivative of the Universal
CHAPTER 2. Objective-subjective world
CHAPTER 3. Laws of life and business
CHAPTER 4. Models of homo economicus
CHAPTER 5. Determination of monetary equivalent of man’s life in modern conditions
CHAPTER 6. Motivation of creative and labour activity in formation of competitive model of economic entities
CHAPTER 7.   Decent life conditions in socially oriented market economy
CHAPTER 8. Development of household as consumption entity in conditions of social orientation of globalization
CHAPTER 9. Security of public business: essence, structure, vehicles, kinds
CHAPTER 10. Dialectics of public business and environment

List of references

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