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Kuandyk Ainabek
The Philosophy of Life and Business



In the economic theory textbooks, there are paragraphs devoted to determining the essence and evolution of social and economic contents of the man [1, p.16-24]. Research on the subject is usually done in the social, economic, psychological and other aspects. In the meantime the Man and the Mankind, and the Universe are considered as self-developing systems. It should be noted that these systems have appeared not only as a result of material development, being predetermined by its conditions, but also directly depend on the impact of the subtle and supersubtle world.
Subtle worlds are the environment of existence and content of the Absolute subject. And the man appears to be a hologram of the supersubtle and subtle world. If we refer to the sources of ancient wisdom BC, we can come across the following version of the Universe genesis. “The creation originates from the non-creation” [2, p.176]. This is the intuitive prediction of how the Universe appears from “Nothing”, of which “Something” is born. “In the imagination of the ancient Chinese, - writes M.T. Stepanyants, - from the shapeless dark two powers were born which regulated the world…” [2, p.12]. Thus, for instance, the ancient Chinese thinker Wan Fu (76-157 BC) remarked that “in the ancient-ancient world, in the times of the Great Emptiness, there was, without any form or attributes,  initial Qi, consisting of substances merged together. It could not be temperated, it was impossible to manage. It lasted for a long time but then, all of a sudden, it started changing, it divided itself into the clear and the opaque, which turned into Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang already had the form; regulating themselves, they formed the sky and the earth… The harmony of Yin and Yang merger procreated the man, too…” [3, p.348]. The ancient wisemen and the human mind on the whole were searching for the beginning of all things and determining it as “Nothing”, which appears to be initial information. It “breeds one, one breeds two, - reasons the ancient Chinese sage Lao Tzu, - two breeds three, and three breeds all the creatures” [2, p.226]. “Nothing” predetermines the appearance of “Something”, i.e. the supersubtle energy. As the information emanates the supersubtle (one) and subtle (two) energy, there occurs a chain reaction (three breeds all) of self-development and formation of the Universal information filed in the environment of interacting information and supersubtle, subtle energy. It conditions, given a particular qualitative and quantitative state, “awakening” of the  Universal Mind or Absolute Spirit, according to G. Hegel [4, p.25-26].
A confirmation to the above-said can be found in the Bible. This source of knowledge notes: “In the BEGINNING was the Word…” [5, p.111], i.e. the information was primary. At the same time it is written in the Bible that “the Word was God” [5, p.111]. But the information as it is can not be the Supreme Universal Mind. It is confirmed by the expression from the Bible: “In him was life, and the life was the light of men” [5, p.191] and the Koran: “Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth” [6, p. 653]. The “Word” and the “Light” as the information and supersubtle energy appear to be the components of the Supreme Universal Mind or the Absolute Spirit, as in the Bible the God is identified with the “Light” and the “Word”.  
The man is first of all a creature derivative from the Absolute Spirit, Global Sapience System, multi-dimensional, subtle and supersubtle world, and then – from the material three-dimensional. The man consists of the spirit, soul and physical body. Without the first ones there is no man as a personality – the body without the spirit and soul presents itself as a corpse without the sapience principle. G. Hegel writes the following with regards to it: “The man is a thinking spirit… The vitality of this body of mine is in the fact… that it is unable to offer any opposition to me but it obeys me, thoroughly penetrated with my soul…” [4, pp.24, 118]. The holy book Koran says: “I am creating a human being… from clay… Once I design him… I will blow into him from My spirit…” [6, p.481]. The text of the Koran makes it obvious that the human body is just a part of a lifeless substance periphrastically referred to as the clay which is transformed into a thinking product of the Supreme Being based on the spirit the Supreme Being contributed to it.  
At first sight, the man is perceived as a physical body, whereas the everyday awareness does not consider his soul and spirit.
The human spirit functioning based on the Universal information field and supersubtle energy appears to be an immediate derivative of the Absolute Spirit, whereas the soul formed by the spirit and subtle energy, emerging due to compression and extension of the supersubtle energy. Thus the soul appears to be a derivative of the spirit, as the Bible notes that there is “God the Father” and “God the Son”, and they are the one through the “Holy Spirit” [5, p.195]. It is also emphasized by G. Hegel [4, p.23-24]. Here “God the Father” breeds “God the Son”, as the soul is a derivative of the spirit. The common content for “God the Father” and “God the Son” is the “Holy Spirit”, i.e. the attribute of the supersubtle energy interacting with the information on that level.
Progressive thoughts from the Universal source, scientific achievements of advanced people, both from the environment of religious organizations (Buddhists, Yogi, Krishnaites, Islamites, Christians, etc.) and researchers-materialists, lead to the conclusion that the world is multi-dimensional. There are subtle and supersubtle worlds. They are interconnected by the Universal information field and supersubtle and subtle energies, which, in the process of compression, concentration and extension, create, together with the information field, kinds of material energy and substance of three-dimensional measurement [7, p.124-125].
The sprit belongs to the supersubtle world, and the soul – to the subtle one. They penetrate the material body and serve both as the internal content and the invisible envelope of the man’s physical state [7, p.77-78]. By the way, this envelope is detected by Yogi, extrasensory perception experts, parapsychologists, folk healers working on the energy level, as well as by the scientists. They can measure the man’s subtle energy. The envelope of the man’s subtle and supersubtle energy can extend as much as a meter to a meter and a half, depending on his state, and that of Yogi and advanced people can reach 3-5 meters and more. The supersubtle and subtle energies have colours indicating the general condition and health of the man [8, p.187]. It can be vividly seen from the following Figure 1.
The supersubtle and the subtle envelope of the man, in its essence being the hologram of the information field with the corresponding forms of energies, is directly connected with the Absolute. Therefore the explanation of the genesis of the man on the Earth should be based not only on the evolutionary approach by Ch. Darwin, which can be presented as an addition, but in terms of the fundamental morphogenetic source of the supersubtle and subtle world system [7, p.77-78].

      Figure 1. The man’s aura: the supersubtle and subtle envelope [9, p.7].
The definition of the human essence should proceed from the Absolute, and then from the material world conditions, as he consists of the spirit, soul and physical, material body. According to G. Hegel, the Absolute as the initial reason for origin of all the material is aimed at self-cognition, self-development and self-improvement.
The body acquires the value of the man based on the spirit, i.e. the human essence is in the spirit. “The notion of the spirit, - wrote G. Hegel, - has its reality in the spirit” [4, p.322]. “The Absolute is the spirit; this is the supreme definition of the Absolute;  to find this definition and to understand its sense and contents – it was, as it can be said, the absolute tendency of the entire education and philosophy – the entire religion and science were directed to this point” [4, p.29]. This idea by G. Hegel results from the fact that “God is the truth”, as the Koran says [6, p.771]. “The absolute spirit is to the same extent eternally in – it – self – creation, and in the depth of self returning and returned identity; the integral and universal substance as the spiritual one, the initial division (Urteil) into itself and knowledge, for which it exists as such”[4, p.382].                            .  
 However, there are opponents to acknowledgement of the Absolute Spirit. Thus, for instance, the Austro-American economist, the Nobel laureate F.A. Hayek said the following: “As for me personally, it would be correct to say that I do not feel the right either to assert or deny the existence of what is called God, as, I should confess, I do not know what this word should mean. No doubt, I reject any anthropomorphic, personifying or animistic interpretations of the notion, through which many contrive to give it sense. The notion of a human-like or a mind-like active creature seems to me to be rather a product of a haughty overestimation of capacities of a human-like mind. I can not give meaning to the words for which in the structure of my own thinking or in my world view there is no place where they would make sense. Therefore I would be unscrupulous if I used these words as if they reflected some convictions of mine. I have been hesitating for a long time but finally decided to make this confession of a personal nature, as the support of a card-carrying agnostic can help the believers to be firmer in sticking to the conclusions which we prove to share. It may be that what people mean talking about God is just a personification of the traditional moral norms and values which support the life of their community. Now we have begun to understand that the source of order which the religion prescribes to a human-like divine being, offering a kind of a map or a guidebook helping a certain part to successfully take their bearings inside the whole, is not beyond the physical world but is one of its characteristics, however, too complicated for any component parts of this world to be able to make its “view” or “image”. Therefore religious bans of idolatry, i.e. for creating such images, are quite justified. It is not impossible, though, that most people are able to perceive abstract traditions only as someone’s personal Will. In this case would not they be inclined to trace this will in the “community” in the age when a more evident belief in super-natural forces is rejected as a superstition?”[10, p. 93].
In this case he can be thanked for frank thoughts aloud. At the same time this famous scientist can not be condemned because he is a product of his time. As we know, the insufficient level of cognition and awareness limits the world perception and understanding of the universe.
         However, modern researchers from the British Bristol University have made a real revelation in the international scientific and intellectual community. They ascertained than the man is born with the belief in God. “We have found out that the child’s course of thought includes an intuitive belief in the supernatural,” said the head of the research, Professor Bruce Hood [11]. The newest research from Bristol displayed that without the belief in God neither the Homo Sapiens nor the human community could come into being. In the infancy of the mankind only those groups of people which believed in the Supreme Being, disciplined world order and justice made more stable social relations and so survived. But other tribes, without the belief in God, fell to pieces and vanished. It was the believers who laid the groundwork for the human civilization and determined further ways of progressive development [11].
The absolute spirit predetermines the development as a derivative, his self-cognition, self-development and self-improvement, his creativity, which is his essence, his goal of life in the material world, since God itself is the creator.


